Mission: CSTAT leads in efforts to increase scientific rigor and reproducibility in order to improve quality and impact of research to help MSU scholars thrive.
Key Activities
- Provide expertise and guidance on study design, statistical methods, interpretation of results, and conducting statistical analyses
- Participate in grant proposal applications with design and statistical methods considerations and sample size determination and as key personnel (see https://cstat.msu.edu/cstat-services)
- Provide research data management services
- Collaborate on manuscripts and serve as co-authors
- Advise on study design and implementation of statistical methods for dissertations: (all graduate students are eligible for 9 hours free dissertation support per year)
- Organize/teach workshops and seminars on responsible conduct of research, statistical methods, software, and data management. Offer non-credit courses: R certificate course (5 modules), Writing high impact papers (self-paced on D2L)
- CSTAT Advisory Board. Meets bimonthly to advise, support, and promote CSTAT’s mission and programs.
- CSTAT Partners. We are grateful to colleges and departments who support CSTAT’s mission and contribute financially. Additional statistics support is available to partners.
- CSTAT International. Discuss best practices with leaders of statistical consulting units nationally and internationally. Collaborate with biostatistics experts globally on different statistics topics such as initial data analysis, missing data, variable selection, causal inference, survival analysis, high dimensional data analysis, and data visualization.
- CSTAT Ambassadors are CSTAT RAs who are available to give presentations to graduate student groups in various MSU units. Please contact: cstatinf@msu.edu
- CSTAT Outreach. Support and mentor the student group Statistics in the Community, who provide pro bono consulting to local non-profit or government organizations. Promote global networking and exchange of students and scholars through CSTAT’s educational program.
CSTAT staffing
1 Director (Ph.D. statistician), 6 Ph.D. statisticians (Academic Research Specialists), 1 Ph.D. statistician Research Associate, 5 graduate student research assistants, and administrative staff.
Please tell us more about your project and “Schedule a meeting” at https://cstat.msu.edu/