Developing your own statistical analysis plan -an interactive workshop (in person)
This is an interactive workshop for students who are planning or conducting a quantitative research study and want to analyze data.
Developing a statistical analysis plan (SAP) is a critical component of designing and conducting research studies which influences collection, analysis, and interpretation of data. A well written SAP prevents research waste, provides transparency, may be published on its own, allows replication of the study by independent researchers, can provide relevant background for ethics review, includes essential elements for the manuscript.
Learning objectives:
- Understand that the SAP promotes rigor and reproducibility.
- Understand the contents of an SAP (administrative information, background, study level and variable level information, analysis methods, amendments).
- Outline your own SAP.
The seating is limited to 30 participants. After filling out the registration form, the first 30 participants interested in developing or rewriting an SAP for their study will receive an email with the location.