Case Studies

Self-assessment test as a measure of speaking proficiency
A continuation-ratio model helps to assess the validity of the self-assessment tests. Using this method a one-unit increase in the CTFL Oral Proficiency Interview – computer (OPIc) was associated with a 131% increase in the odds of passing thresholds on the self-assessment test. Dr. Steven Pierce (CSTAT) and collaborators won the International Language Testing Association (ILTA) "Best Language Testing Article of the Year Award."

Generating reproducible statistical analyses and evaluation reports
Dr. Steven J. Pierce recently presented a talk called Generating reproducible statistical analyses and evaluation reports: Principles, practices, and free software tools at the 2024 conference of the American Evaluation Association.

Gait analysis after leg fractures
Progress of leg fracture healing may be discerned by examining gait parameters (max force, lateral, medial, forefoot, hindfoot) from the injured leg as well as from symmetry indices. Results may be used to guide patients in their recovery or alert clinicians of potential interventions.

Scaling models for weightlifting performances
In Olympic-style weightlifting, performance is measured by the sum of the best snatch and the best clean and jerk. A determination of who is the “best” weightlifter refers to hypothetical questions such as what weight athletes with a lower body mass would be able to lift if they were athletes with a higher body mass of the same ability. We systematically test functions of body mass using fractional polynomials an their relationships to the weightlifting performance.

It’s a Balancing Act! Menopausal Symptoms in Master athletes
There is simultaneous feedback between sport performance and severity of menopausal symptoms. Athletes must balance training intensity and menopausal symptoms to achieve training goals.

ASA ethical guidelines for statistical practice
"Statistical practice includes activities such as designing the collection of, summarizing, processing, analyzing, interpreting, or presenting data and model or algorithm development and deployment." American Statistical Association

Gamer Girl vs. Girl Gamer: Stereotypical Gamer Traits Increases Men’s Play Intention
Our results shed light on the positive influence of presenting female video game players with counterstereotypical traits to reduce discrimination against women in gaming.

Ten Simple Rules for Initial Data Analysis
When properties and context are not appropriately taken into account, data can speak through lies and riddles as preconditions for meaningful statistics are not met. It is much better to avoid data issues right at the beginning of a data collection than to search for statistical workarounds thereafter

Taxonomy of fungal mammalian pathogens is revealed through phylogeny
Population genetic analyses of DNA from four infected dolphins grouped the pathogen Lacazia loboi in a monophyletic cluster sister to P. americana and to the other Paracoccidioides species.