Case Studies
Motivation, barriers, coping of older athletes: Weightlifting during the COVID19 Pandemic
Motivation, barriers, and coping during COVID19 for Master weightlifters: Older athletes are motivated to maintain fitness, build strength and confidence, and compete.
Skin disinfection methods to augment animal welfare
To assess refinements in skin disinfection methods to augment animal welfare, this research project tested effectiveness of waterless alcohol-based antiseptic (compared to traditional skin prep methods) and delivered active warming as methods to enhance postoperative outcomes.
Reservoir hosts experiencing food stress alter transmission dynamics for a zoonotic pathogen
Environmental stressors affecting host resistance to West Nile virus in American robins
Acne and Insulin Resistance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
A systematic review and meta-analysis on insulin resistance in acne patients
Owl behavioral categories
Owl vocalization known to express contentment, contact, begging, hostility, defensiveness or avoidance behavior were classified based on ow and acoustic characteristics.
Performance Accuracy of Continuum Solvent Models to Compute Solvation Enthalpies
First principles DFT calculations were conducted to assess performance accuracies of Polarizable Continuum Models' (PCMs). The goal was to assess the effectiveness of these implicit models in predicting experimental Heat of Vaporization for a wide range of organic solvents. To evaluate and compare the continuum models', general linear regression models and performance score methods were implemented.
Sports analytics: quantile foliation to rank athletes
Quantile foliation is a new statistical method that we can be used to standardize weightlifting performances by age and body weight.
Principle Component and Clustering Analysis Tool
PCCAT is an interactive tool designed for multivariable environmental data analysis developed using the statistical software R. It consists of data preprocessing, univariate data exploration and summary, principle component analysis, and clustering analysis.
Studying the Function of Muscles in the Human Neck
Recording the electrical activity of muscles is one way to study their function, especially as one varies posture or engages in movements.