Strength in Numbers
Dr. Marianne Huebner, MSU's director of the Center for Statistical Training and Consulting (CSTAT), is also an avid Olympic weightlifting competitor and has made significant research contributions related to the performance development of male and female athletes in Olympic weightlifting.
The American Psychological Association features Professor Campbell's article.
Connecting the Dots: Identifying Suspected Serial Sexual Offenders Through Forensic DNA Evidence. CSTAT collaborators: Steven J. Pierce and Dhruv Sharma
Transforming Institutions Through Strategic Research Data Management and Analysis
MSU hosts African researchers from Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and South Africa to discuss open data, the importance of statistical support for data repositories and research, and possible data science collaborations between our institutions.
R Ladies East Lansing
The R Ladies East Lansing have several meet-ups this Fall, including Data science journeys and teaching an introduction to R.
Introduction to Python - an SSDA workshop
The Social Science Data Analytics Initiative will teach two session of an Introduction to Python workshop.
Statistics in the Community
StatCom is a volunteer student group that provides pro bono statistical and data science consulting to local government, community groups, school, or non-profit organization.
CSTAT supports such a group and mentors the student consultants. If you are interested, please contact or
Graduate Student Resource Fair 2019
CSTAT talks to new graduate students at MSU.
Dr. Huebner as new Director of CSTAT
The Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation, or OVPRI, is pleased to announce the appointment of Marianne Huebner, Ph.D., as the new director of the Center for Statistical Training and Consulting, or CSTAT.
Faculty Research Orientation 2019
CSTAT and iCER at the Faculty research orientation: #rladieseastlansing
CSTAT visits Barton Malow
CSTAT directors visit Barton Malow headquarters to discuss projects.